2012年被广州星海音乐学院录取,入读电子音乐作曲专业方向。主专业老师是来自美国的作曲家、现代电子音乐大师,Jame Harkins博士。2013年获得由广东省音乐家协会颁发的钢琴即兴伴奏十级(最高级)。2014年准备攻读硕士学位期间,跟随中国现代音乐泰斗级作曲家曹光平教授学习传统作曲,与中国国家二级作曲家,配器方向硕士生导师李方教授学习配器,并在同年九月远赴意大利参加《第三届佛罗伦萨国际合唱指挥比赛》中获青年组第二名。
同年赴意学习欧洲当代古典音乐作曲技术,考入意大利歌剧创作大师普契尼母校、意大利排名第一的米兰音乐学院,成为该校近几十年来作曲专业硕士中唯一的中国的留学生。师从作曲家、威尼斯双年展奖得主Gabriele Manca教授与Sonia Bo教授。同时电子音乐主课跟随Giovanni Cospito教授,研究Max/Msp的音画交互技术,连续获得两年电子音乐作曲专业课满分成绩。2019年6月,成为索尼音乐旗下的唱片公司believe digital(Paris)签约作曲家,并在当月公开出版发行了第一部实验电子作品-Tramandò(传承)其特点是运用了曾侯乙编钟音色和与自制的电子合成器(使用三分损益律)相结合的创作思路。同年7月完成并在意大利首演的富有中国民族特色的长笛独奏作品-《水调歌头·中秋》,由MDI乐团长笛首席Sonia Formenti演奏,大获好评,并取得了28/30 的高分。后录制成专辑出版发行。
《C Major, Piano Sonatina》-2012
《String Quartet-in D Major》-2015 谱面
I am a young composer based in Italy, an electronic music producer, and a university lecturer. I began engaging with music and learning the piano at the age of four. In 2007, driven by personal interest, I started studying psychology. Later, in 2009, I began self-teaching composition during my spare time, and in 2011, I formally started studying traditional composition under the guidance of renowned young composer Professor Wang Kelin (王珂琳) from Xinghai Conservatory of Music, who is based in France. I also studied harmony with Professor Liao Ming (廖明) from the same institution.
In 2012, I was admitted to the Electronic Music Composition program at Xinghai Conservatory of Music. My primary instructor was Dr. James Harkins, a composer and a master of modern electronic music from the United States. In 2013, I was awarded the highest level of Piano Improvisation (Level 10) by the Guangdong Musicians Association.
In 2014, while preparing for my master’s studies, I studied traditional composition under Professor Cao Guangping (曹光平), a prominent figure in modern Chinese music, and orchestration under Professor Li Fang (李方), a national-level composer and master’s supervisor in orchestration. That same year, in September, I traveled to Italy and won second place in the Youth Category of the 3rd Florence International Choir Conducting Competition.
I graduated in July 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in Recording Arts with a focus on Electronic Music Composition from Xinghai Conservatory of Music. My thesis, titled “The Application of Electronic Music in Chinese Folk Music Composition: An Analysis of Zhang Xiaofu’s Work ‘Yin – A Symphonic Poem for Chinese Bamboo Flute (Daqudi) and Electronic Music,’” was supervised by Dr. Liu Tianshi. In the same year, I went to Italy to study European contemporary classical music composition techniques. I was admitted to the Conservatorio di Milano, Italy’s top-ranked conservatory and alma mater of opera composer Puccini, becoming the only Chinese student in recent decades to enroll in the composition master’s program there. I studied under the guidance of composer Professor Gabriele Manca, a Venice Biennale Award winner, and Professor Sonia Bo. My primary instructor for electronic music was Professor Giovanni Cospito, with whom I researched the audio-visual interaction techniques of Max/Msp. I achieved full marks in my electronic music composition courses for two consecutive years.
In June 2019, I became a signed composer with the record label Believe Digital (Paris) under Sony Music. That same month, I publicly released my first experimental electronic work, “Tramandò,” which uniquely combines the sounds of the Zenghouyi chime bells with a custom-built electronic synthesizer (using Sanfen Sunyi temperament). In July of that year, I completed and premiered in Italy a flute solo piece with strong Chinese ethnic characteristics, “Shui Diao Ge Tou · Mid-Autumn,” performed by Sonia Formenti, the principal flutist of the MDI Ensemble. The piece was well-received, earning a high score of 28/30, and was later recorded and released as an album.
In 2023, I traveled to the Chinese National Academy of Arts for a one-year research residency as a visiting scholar in the history of ancient Chinese music, studying under Researcher Li Hongfeng, Director of the Music Research Institute.